Friday, July 06, 2012

A disappointing mid-year blog review

It's the mid-point of the year, and a time to look back over the past six months.
Work and other real-life issues took up much of my time this year and prevented me from posting as much as I had intended; for example, an emergency -- and unexpected -- dog-sitting escapade this week (with the 90+ degree heat). We seem to fall into these kinds of misadventures regularly.
These responsibilities took precedence, and understandably so, although they also made it difficult to either get in the right frame of mind for writing or find the time to do the proper research for certain posts. I had several new ideas for regular blog features here this year that I have not yet been able to develop, such as game reviews, a look back at Fantastic Four comics, and my Cult Classic of the Week movie spotlights.
However, no need to cue the sad trombone sounds. I remain optimistic that I can juggle my schedule such that I have time for fun projects, because they are also important to me and this blog is one of my strongest creative outlets. Gen Con is approaching, as is the 7th anniversary of Kaijuville. Thank you for reading and for your support!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Keep writing, Steve! Love, Mrs. Kaiju.